There are two key components to effective training; the message, and the messenger.
The message must be relevant to the audience and the lesson-plan structured to reach each learning style. The delivery must be engaging and interesting for adult-learners who are use to fast paced environments. Lengthy PowerPoint presentations and lectures are just not effective.
Training is a skill, science, and art. The messenger should have personal hands-on, real-world experience the audience can relate to. Relating to a trainer encourages the class to interact and ask clarifying questions. When an instructor can answer questions with real examples to validate the lesson points it increases student attention, interaction and retention. The true measure of learning is retention, for peak retention the message and messenger must be:
The value of training cannot be understated. Return on your training investment compounds and is multiplied through knowledge transfer to others. An investment in training is also very profitable. Imagine what the return on your training investment would be if after attending a leadership course or a hands-on mentoring, your crew leaders learn to be just ten percent more efficient. Preventing one incident or unplanned event attributed to poor safety, quality, or efficiency can be priceless.
Too often training is seen as an expense rather than investment, often leading to poorly designed or delivered training programs which are ineffective. This may pass for rote subjects to meet compliance, but if you take this approach for highly technical training such as live-line work, grounding and bonding, or leadership classes; you are wasting both time and money.
The world's most successful people say, "the best investment you can make is in yourself". If you operate a business that relies on people for its success, doesn't it makes sense to invest in your people? Invest in quality training for quality returns. The art of building a safe and efficient workforce is our passion, give us a call, we would love to help.
We can provide both the perfect message and messenger, contact us today to learn how we can help.
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